Nurse Aide Program

Founder’s Notes
The Columbia Hands of Hope Nurse Aide Program is the educational branch of Columbia Hope In Christ Ministries, Inc. which was founded by Bishop Arnold and Pastor Judy H. Williams in 1991. It is the fruition of a vision given to Pastor Judy and supported by her husband Bishop Arnold.
Judy has been an ordained minister since 1999. Her hobbies include traveling and shopping. She began a licensed faith-based daycare in Florence, SC and has been involved in volunteer services all of her adult life. She is most proud of her volunteer service at the Ronald McDonald House, where she had direct contact with parents of children who were diagnosed with life altering illnesses; she became a firsthand witness of seeing God preforming miracles in the lives of the parents and their ill children.
Judy was also former Governor Mark Sanford’s appointee (2003 – 2007) to the SC Education Oversight Committee; the main mission of the committee was to “effect dramatic, results-based and continuous improvement of South Carolina’s educational system by creating a truly collaborative environment of parents, educators, community leaders and policy makers”. The vehicle to accomplish this was a newly enacted federal law of “No Child Left Behind”. The “No Child Left Behind” law would mandate that each public school in the state would provide a level educational playing field for all SC school age students.
Witnessing individuals’ lives being transformed bring joy and excitement to Judy’s heart; she has a steadfast belief that any individual with a little help in the way of motivation, support, education and love can overcome any obstacle, these are the ingredients she believes provides the individual with progress, and the opportunities towards a successful life.
Our Mission
Columbia Hope InChrist Ministries, Inc. has been incorporated since February 1992 and is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry in Columbia, South Carolina and has dedicated its ministry to the Greater Midlands area. The Ministry is and has been involved in providing tutorial programs and summer camps for grades K-12, elderly food and prescription assistance, along with financial assistance in the areas of emergency gas, mortgage and rental assistance.
In January 2016, Columbia Hope InChrist Ministries, Inc. began a
Certified Nurse Aide Training Program “Columbia Hands of Hope.” The six-week Nurse Aide Training Program provides skills to men and women who find themselves disenfranchised, underemployed or unemployed with educational training to take the South Carolina Certified Nurse Aide Exam.
We are always grateful to those that would like to support our programs. If this is you, feel free to contact us for more information concerning ways that you can support.